Easter Competition 2022

April 18, 2022

It’s that time of year again and we love a competition at First Blue Healthcare, this year we have lots more homes able to join in than last year and as you can see we have a lot of very talented young people, in fact the results are eggstraordinary…..

Competition Winners - West Midlands

1st Place

March Banks - well done 1st prize goes to you.

2nd Place

Cherry Trees - a great 2nd

3rd Place

Primrose House - 3rd Prize and a good use of eggs.

Competition Winners - North West

1st Place

Jabob House – a big well done Alex, your prize is waiting at the office.

2nd Place

2nd prize goes to Lily House – well done.

Fantastic Effort

Last but not least a fantastic effort from Kasey House – well done Jake, your prize is waiting.