Giving A Voice To The Young People In Our Care
We are pleased and excited to announce that First Blue Healthcare is in the process of setting up our first Young Person’s Forum group. This will be a great opportunity for a group of young people in our care to come together once a month to discuss important topics, voice opinions and make suggestions on the things that matter to them.
Creating Confidence and Self-Esteem
Members of the youth forum will be the representatives and advocates for the young people in our care. Having a responsibility to themselves and others is an ideal way of helping young people to increase self-esteem and confidence through putting forward ideas, talking in front of groups and having their views listened to and actioned. This may be as simple as looking at how much pocket money is paid and putting forward proposed changes. Or by taking their voice right to the heart of Government by being a youth representative to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) in the Houses of Parliament. The group is responsible for inquiries and for raising awareness in Government of issues relating to young people, children and babies and in the past has been paramount in making positive changes in the care sector.
At First Blue Healthcare we truly believe that unless society listens to the voices of our children then change is unlikely to be beneficial, after all, no one knows what our young people need better than them.
You can find out more about our children’s residential care here